February 24,2022 How to choose an eco solvent printer in an advertising graphic shop?
For advertising graphic shops, a color wide printing equipment is essential. However, at present, there are various types of eco solvent printers on the market. Photo advertising stores should consider the selection of eco solvent printers from the following three dimensions. 1、 Print width At present, there are many types of wide width printing machines in the market, whether imported or domestic, basically 1.3m, 1.6m, 1.8m, 2.6m and 3.2m. This type of wide width printing machine is mainly produced due to the application in different markets. From the analysis of the business scope of Graphic Express Printing, it is more to make some product posters, mall posters and Yilabao, In addition, the width of printable materials in the market is generally 0.914m/1.27m/1.52m, so it is more appropriate for Graphic Express printing shops to choose a eco solvent printer with a printing width of 1.6m for the following three reasons: it basically meets the printing needs in business; The narrower the width of printing, the higher the precision of the whole machine frame; Reduce the floor area and make it easier to place and use. 2、 Ink type The nature of ink actually determines whether the eco solvent printer is an...
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